Diablo 3 raiment of a thousand storms set dungeon build
Diablo 3 raiment of a thousand storms set dungeon build

diablo 3 raiment of a thousand storms set dungeon build

To be clear, only 1 person can clear a set dungeon at a time, but the other members of the party can join in the set dungeon. Your allies don't have to wear the set dungeon's set, or even be the same class. Your allies don't have to follow the "rules" of the set dungeon, making them 10x easier.

diablo 3 raiment of a thousand storms set dungeon build

I've run into a lot of people who have this misconception that set dungeons can only be completed solo. If you go with this setup, it is highly recommended to use In-Geom in the cube then so that you can dash as much as you want for the 10 seconds after you kill the elites spawned by the Pylon.Last updated at 14:00:17 UTC Weekly Help Desk RAGE Loot Thread Trade Thread **Update** Thanks to input from the user Cruhz, who brought to my attention a video he watched made by Quin69, it is possible to make use of Nemesis Bracers to 'add' monsters into the Set Dungeon, which actually count towards the monsters killed for the Mastery completion (so you can actually get Mastery without killing every single monster on the map). If you get unlucky and too many mobs spawn in the 1st half of the map (or 90 seconds has passed) and you haven't reached the 'inner' section with multiple loops, I recommend restarting the dungeon. The way I approached this particular Set Dungeon was to make sure everything on the 1st half of the dungeon was killed within the first 90 seconds (This helps in not needing to backtrack too far). The best way to see the position of the chest is to watch the video. The Golden Chest objective is at the end of the dungeon, which is a rectangular loop inwards (reminds me of Snake on old Nokia phones!). Wearing the Inna's 2 Piece (Weapon/Belt), wearing Cindercoat, using The Crudest Boots (via Cube or wearing) helps a great deal with Spirit Generation, and using the Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac helps keep Epiphany up almost 100% of the time.

diablo 3 raiment of a thousand storms set dungeon build

The way I've tackled it above is to gear up for as much Spirit Generation/Resource Cost Reduction/Cooldown Reduction as possible. The Raiment of a Thousand Storms Set Dungeon is probably more gear dependant than most of the others I've done so far. You can find general Set Dungeon information and Set Dungeon guides for the other classes at my Set Dungeon Thread. Reduces the number of items needed for set bonuses by 1 (to a minimum of 2).

Diablo 3 raiment of a thousand storms set dungeon build